Notepad2- + Notepad3- 简体中文版|32&64位整合版

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Notepad3是一款轻便快捷的基于 Scintilla 的文本编辑器,具有语法高亮、代码折叠、括号匹配、自动缩进、编码转换、换行格式转换、多次撤销或重做、书签、基于正则表达式的查找和替换等实用功能。它占用的内存很小,但功能强大,足以处理大多数编程工作


2024.03.20:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2023.06.19:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2023.04.17:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2023.03.22:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2023.02.09:跟进 Notepad2 + Notepad3 简体中文版;
2022.11.15:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2022.09.19:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2022.07.20:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2022.01.17:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2021.11.30:跟进 Notepad3 5.21.1129.1 简体中文版;
2021.11.15:跟进 Notepad2 简体中文版;
2021.11.11:跟进 Notepad3 5.21.1109.1 简体中文版;
2021.09.06:跟进 Notepad3 5.21.905.1 简体中文版;
2021.07.19:跟进 Notepad2 中文版;
2021.05.17:跟进 Notepad2 中文版;
2021.03.19:跟进 Notepad2 中文版;


Version 5.20.411.2 (11 April 2020)

- Executables and ddl's are now signed.
- Fix DPI scaling of Toolbar bitmaps (avoid slicing by rounding errors).
- "Open with Notepad3" Right-Click in Explorer Context Menu (install/setup version).
- In About Resources: Data Sharing Service from
- Automatic scrolling when dragging selected text near window edge (SCI).
- break rectangular selection into multiple selection on end-of-lines (move caret).
- Infos of screen/display/dpi for "Copy Version Info" button.
- Preserve stream selection in file history (w/ text position remembering).
- Language dependent status bar abbreviations.
- Copy directory to clipboard and Open path in explorer.
- Toggle menu bar option.
- Add Lexicographical Line Sort Order.
- CSV Prism Color Lexer.
- Preserve File Modification Date/Time: Option stays until new session is started.
- Save with Original File Date/Time - Ctrl+Alt+F6.

- Change default settings for word/long-line wrapping.
- Update "KeyboardShortcuts.txt".
- Split undo typing sequence by line-breaks default -> true.
- Add file history to recent docs (taskbar) jumplist.
- NP3 INI file read/write using file locking (shared read / exclusive write) for multiple instances.
- Reset build-of-the-day number in AppVeyor on new day.
- Change version numbering of build_# (the build number is now daily based).
- Remove AppVeyors build number, add build-of-the-day number, add short version of commit/local build ID.
- Accelerator key remapping: move line up/down vs. jump folds.
- Separate auto esc'd control chars from "transform backslashes" switch in find/replace dialog.
- Increase encoding detection confidence threshold to 92%.
- Finetuning of Single Byte Char Set (SBCS) detection.
- Add current Encoding and Lexer to "Copy Version Text".
- Lexer keyword initializer list simplified.
- Find/Replace dialog: in case of "transform backslashes" do Esc control seqs.
- Upper confidence level for UCHARDET to: "AnalyzeReliableConfidenceLevel=92".
- UCHARDET: Enhanced confidence calculation for Single Byte Character Set (SBCS).
- Replace std messagebox "save modified file warning" by (silent) custom messagebox if message beeps are muted.
- Don't Auto-Close blank untitled document, only empty untitled document.
- Encoding detection fallback: if "Load ASCII as UTF-8" is checked use UTF-8 (if valid) else current ANSI code-page.
- Use Ctrl+Shift+L for toggle "Menu: Reuse Window" option.
- Inversion of Accelerator key Ctrl+Alt+L with Ctrl+Shift+L.
- Change wording "Administrator" to "Elevated".
- Hidden "ExitOnESCSkipLevel" feature (Exit on ESC can ignore a selection).
- ESC Key clears active selection (not exiting Notepad3 if configured) (Config: ExitOnESCSkipLevel=2).
- Set large file size limit to 2GB (INT32_MAX).
- Set big file size limit warning to 64MB (syntax highlighting is switched off) (Config: FileLoadWarningMB=64).
- New Notepad3 Icon (Notepad3 icon by designed by
- Initial default big toolbar only for monitors > Full-HD.
- Copy to clipboard instead of insert (filename, path, GUID).
- Option [Settings2] LexerSQLNumberSignAsComment.
- Option [Settings2] LineCommentPortfixStrg= e.g. add a space to comment chars.
- Option [Settings2] NoCopyLineOnEmptySelection and NoCutLineOnEmptySelection.
- Appearance of INFOBOX4 (MB_YESNOCANCEL).
- Thin rectangular (multi) selection after toggling line-comment block for multi insertion.
- Full Work Area Mode (F11) -> Full Screen Mode (Maximize window if "full work area" is requested).
- Ctrl+Alt+Enter AutoCompletion behavior.
- Menu and behavior for copy/paste and copy/paste line.
- Allow each modification step to split undo typing sequence (set timeout 0 < to < 20ms).
- Split undo typing sequence (by line-breaks and/or timeout) (UndoTransactionTimeout=0, LnBrk via Menu).
- Update Oniguruma Regex (ONI) engine version 6.9.5 (2020/01/28).
- Update Scintilla Library (SCI) version 4.3.2 (2020/03/06).

- Load files larger than 2GB (64-bit) - Limit to 4GB (Scintilla problems).
- Parameter to set document limit for big files (switch off highlighting).
- ScintillaWin: IMEJPCancelAction (SCI).
- File locking mechanism (.ini-file) to avoid multi process file write race conditions.
- Menu entries for move line and folding control.
- Multi-line Search Find/Replace.
- Apply Start Case to AutoHotkey Lexer.
- Change to 1-pass (file open/close) to save settings in Notepad3.ini.
- Enclosing selection with HTML-Tag - Remember last pattern (session).
- Repeat selection enclosing (HTML-Tag) n-times control.
- Hyperlink detection for Unicode.

- Locale dependent string comparison and Logical Number comparison.
- Review scroll behavior for context menu and Stop scrolling on context menu click.
- Do not use analysis hint UTF-8, if file is invalid UTF-8.
- Configurable default ANSI code-page (locale) detection bonus.
- No AutoCompletion on empty words (busy loop bug).
- DPI Scaling Toolbar and DPI scaling selection mode.
- Common controls will use preferred/available MUI language.
- Sticky window position handling.
- Initial, default and current window position handling.
- Debug assertion (isspace() called on non ASCII char).
- Correct return result of Styles export.
- Scintilla method declaration.
- Move hardcoded lexer <-> filename (w/o .ext) associations to configurable scheme (regex def).
- Drag&drop rectangular selection shuffles chars.
- Paint() hangs due to unnecessary LockWindowsUpdate().
- Drag&drop selection should use configured slop settings.
- Internal file-history submitted to taskbar JumpList.
- Load files larger than 2GB (64-bit) - Limit to 4GB (Scintilla problems).
- Automatic scrolling when dragging text near window edge: make caret visible after drop.
- No styling for big/large files (loading speedup and UI responsiveness).
- Esc skip level on rect/multi-selection.
- Avoid caret jump on cancel multi-selection (esc).
- In case of "Transform BS", swallow single slashes not related to a ctrl-char.
- Handling of default settings for deprecated 'SciDirectWriteTech=...'
- Concurrent access to .ini-File (lock file).
- Caret virtual space movement options: remove "SCVS_NOWRAPLINESTART".
- Jump to selection "start/end" operations.
- Word lists for LUA Lexer.
- Line Comment (Toggle) for NIM Lexer.
- Slow indentation (TAB/BACKTAB).
- AutoCompletion box.
- Find/Replace Dialog behavior.
- Transform backslashes while pasting into search/replace box.
- Some issues for lexers: YAML and JSON.
- Clipboard multi-line paste hook for Find/Replace pattern CB.
- Allow multi-line Search Find/Replace pattern.
- IME color and IME color styler.
- Wrong language reference for lexer : "Tag".
- "Recent Files" History handling.
- URL Encode/Decode (according to RFC 3986) for (Win7 API).
- Win7 "procedure entry point "SetCoalescableTimer()" could not be located.
- Wrap to Column - default=80.
- Preserve file modification time option on elevated.
- Elevated relaunch after encoding change.
- Sub dialog centering in multi monitor environment.
- Modern style message box icons.
- System MessageBox() for "not saved" warning on modified files.
- Oniguruma RegEx engine: respect EOL mode on encoding type.
- Wrong encoding detection settings for explicit config .ini-File load.
- Disable HyperLink calltip on ESC, as long as caret is in hyperlink text range.
- Crash on very large file size (rejecting too big files).
- Batch lexer: handle comment after ampersand(&) command sequence.
- Bug in replace on single step find/replace.
- Convert to Hex and vice versa: work on (stream-)selection (original source by ZuFuLiu).
- Comparison warning: signed/unsigned mismatch.
- Canonical ini-file style section order for settings from scratch.
- Prevent concurrent settings-file-access (re-launch elevated).
- Small fixes on "Relaunch Elevated" functionality.
- Minor fixes for window positioning by cmdline parameter.
- Minor correction of HotKey.
- Ctrl+Shift-C/X and Paste behavior.
- Markdown highlight overflow.
- Redo initial selection after replace (ins/del).
- Hyperlink Regex detection and Update visible indicator issue.
- Correct resource id for language sk-SK.
- Insertion handling: keep selection if non empty selection is replaced.
- TAB behavior after multi-selection undo sequence.
- Encoding tag insertion (Ctrl+F8).
- Division by zero exception (indentation and tab width).
- Selection undo/redo in case of "lean" change notify event.

- "Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F" (Code Folding) no longer works from Windows 10 19H1 1903.

- Swedish (sv-SE).






Notepad2- + Notepad3- 简体中文版|32&64位整合版
Notepad2- + Notepad3- 简体中文版|32&64位整合版


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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: